Our Mission

Help You Pay the Correct Stamp Duty.

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Nick Garner

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Reece Humphreys

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Lewis Beer


We help clients by representing them in reclaim cases to HMRC for overpaid stamp duty land tax. Our goals:


Guide property buyers in paying the correct stamp duty.


Facilitate Refunds: Have you bought a property with deficiencies in the last 4 years? You may be entitled to a stamp duty rebate. Discover your eligibility and reclaim your overpaid stamp duty.


Ensure Correct Payment: Planning to buy a property? Be aware of various stamp duty reliefs. If the property is in poor condition, it might qualify as a non-residential purchase, reducing SDLT liability.

Meet the Founder.

Nick Garner

Founder & Director

Founder Story

Before founding Stamp Duty Advice Bureau, I started Invesmore, a property sourcing business for buy-to-let investors. While working with clients, I noticed many were overpaying stamp duty due to poor property conditions being wrongly classified as residential. Realizing this widespread issue, I launched a service to help people reclaim overpaid stamp duty. Our team assesses property conditions to determine correct classifications and secure refunds from HMRC.

In addition, I educate homebuyers through my three Udemy property courses, which have nearly 2500 students. I’m proud of our work, helping clients reclaim their money and simplifying the property buying process.

I am currently writing a book on stamp duty to help simplify this often confusing tax.


Want to be a part
of our team?

Our team is growing, and we’re looking for talented individuals to join us.
If you’d like to be a part of our organization, please reach out to us.